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Phoenix Choir


Covid Secure Measures for Phoenix Rehearsals

By adopting the following measures it is our aim that:


  • No-one who is knowingly infectious attends rehearsals

  • If someone who is unknowingly infectious attends, no-one else becomes infected from that person.


The committee will do whatever is realistic and manageable to ensure the rehearsal venue is Covid-safe but much of what we can do is down to personal responsibility and consideration for our fellow singers.

In line with the new government guidelines in effect from 11th January 2022:

Lateral Flow Tests:

        For the added reassurance of all choir members amid the spread of the Omicron variant, we strongly advise that you take          a Lateral Flow Test on the day of the rehearsal. If you test positive DO NOT attend the rehearsal and follow the guidance            below. 



  • DO NOT come to rehearsal if you are feeling at all unwell.

  • If you develop symptoms of Covid in the days after attending a rehearsal please:

    • Do a Lateral Flow Test to confirm whether you have Covid as soon as possible. 

    • Inform Philip Hamlin, our designated contact:  / 07972 687722  immediately. He will email the membership to advise them of the risk but will NOT tell them who has tested positive.

    • DO NOT return to choir rehearsals until you are well again.

    • If you have had Covid do not return until you have had two consecutive negative tests on days 6 and 7 after covid symptoms emerged or you had a positive test. Returning after Day 10 is advisable however,  due to the higher aerosol levels associated with singing and due to the increased number of vulnerable members in the choir. 

    • It is up to other choir members to choose whether to self-isolate. You can take a Lateral Flow Test after two days for your own reassurance and, if you have been in close contact, are advised to do so on a daily basis until you have gone beyond the incubation time for symptoms to emerge (5-14 days). 

Pinch Points:  

  • The Membership Secretary will tick members in on the register as they arrive. If you know you will be away for a particular  rehearsal in the future please inform her in advance. It will save her checking on why you are absent. 

  • Please allow a safe distance if queuing to enter or exit  the church and for tea/coffee etc.


  • The doors into church will be kept open to aid ventilation. The heating will be on but please dress warmly or bring layers to stay warm.

  • Some movement during the interval is encouraged to prevent areas of stagnant air from developing.


  •  The assumption is that we will not be singing in masks or face shields, although this is down to personal preference.  Scientific research advises that it is safer not to wear masks than to keep putting them on/taking them off or adjusting them.

Social Distancing:

  • Chairs will be spaced out a chair’s breadth apart and not facing each other wherever possible. You are welcome to move further away if you prefer but you may not be as close to your section. 

  • All members are asked to respect and observe safe distancing around others, especially when moving around the hall and talking to others.

Hygiene / Contact:

  • Although we will provide a bottle of antibacterial handgel near contact points we ask that members provide and use their own gel upon arrival, before visiting the toilets and the tea/coffee table. Needless to say we would expect everyone to wash their hands thoroughly after visiting the toilets.

  • Chairs will not be cleaned before use but antibacterial spray and paper towelling will be provided if you wish to clean your chair. Likewise for when you have finished with your chair at the end of the evening.

  • We suggest you do not share music, pencils, stands etc.

  • Teas and coffees will be available at the back of the church and disposable (recyclable and biodegradable) cups will be used at tea breaks .   

Updated: January 2022.


Chairman: Fiona Evans:

01323 506921 evenings & weekends

or via the contact box

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Eastbourne & District Choirs Association

© 2016 Phoenix Choir Eastbourne

Phoenix Choir

Registered Charity: No. 1114422

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